Community colleges provide mostly the samegeneral education classesas four-year universities but at a much lower cost. This gives you time to explore your interests and find what you want to specialize in. Once you have found a field you are interested in, you can apply to transfer to...
Available at Lustig and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh. How much does household collateral constrain regional risk sharing. Working Paper NYU, Stern and UCLA, February 2006.Lustig Hanno N. and Van Nieuwerburgh Stijn G. (2006). "How Much Does Household Collateral ...
What you achieved through your leadership How you plan to demonstrate leadership at Texas A&MIt’s also different from the rest of the prompts because of the word limit – this essay can be much longer than the others, so you have a considerable amount of space to work with and are less...
On the positive side, they offer a much-needed boost of confidence to students who have poured their hearts and souls into the application process. Receiving such a letter validates their hard work and shows their potential for a specific college. This can be particularly encouraging for students...
I have big feet (size 9.5 to be exact). Unfortunately, the global carbon footprint is much bigger than that. By teaming up with Green Futures Youth and PennEnvironment, I became committed to sustainable living. I realized there is no better feeling than waking up at 6am with a group of...
As important, our collective views of college need to change. Though I continue to scan them, all those “Best” lists do as much harm as good, calcifying the notion that the lower the acceptance rate and the higher the price, the better the school. Which is not alway...
At UCLA, Smith says students can find work-study jobs through their online student portal. Many institutions have similar portals where students can search and apply for work-study jobs that are open to them. Some schools, like the University of Wisconsin—Madison, have a ...
How Much is a Down Payment on a House? In addition to the down payment, which we’ll go into detail about in a bit, there are other expenses to the actual listing price of a home. Most of these can be summed up in the closing costs, which include expenses such as the earnest depo...
Wasserman is only being honest. The Olympics can’t solve gentrification, the affordable housing crisis or the needs of the unhoused. That’s not what the Games are created to do. Promises made otherwise should be seen as public relations. That hosting the Olympicsmay even make matters worse...
According to the most recent statistics from the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law, poverty rates among members of the LGBTQ+ community have dropped since the COVID-19 pandemic. But rates are still higher than for those who don't identify as LGBTQ+. The most recent report showed...