It is vital to know how much you can afford to spend on your team-building event. This will help you determine what activities you can do and how many people you can invite. This will also help you to narrow down your options and choose activities that are within your price range. In ...
The principle behind BB guns is pretty much the same as in firearms, except there is no explosion. The expanding matter is ordinary air, carbon dioxide or some other gas. Before you fire the gun, the gas is compressed so that it has a greater density, and consequently a greater pressure...
Then a small burst of compressed gas is released into the barrel, just behind the paintball. The compressed gas pushes the paintball from behind with much greater force than the air on the other side of the paintball, so the paintball is propelled forward. In order to make the game safe,...
My little ones absolutely love using their water blasters during summer water play. I can’t imagine how much fun they’d having using these to paint. You might want to lay down some ground rules beforehand about what is considered “a canvas” for their art. I’m thinking, not the cat...