在歪果仁看来,像“how much”这样的使用太过直接,因为吃一顿饭等于享受了一次服务,在国外,菜钱、酒水、税费、小费都要算在一起的,每位客人的最终价格都不一样,这就涉及到隐私了。 所以,我们常常能看到歪果仁聚完餐结账时服务员会将账单夹...
3,067 gallons of gas Sure, the gas tax was lowered on Friday, but gas prices are still a pain. As of writing this, a gallon of regular gas in NJ is $3.26. Wouldn’t it be great to not have to worry about the price for the next 3,000 gallons? 250 tickets to Fright Fest Lou ...
Trump’s campaign spent much of the day kindling outrage, going so far as to take reporters’ questions in a garbage truck — itself an underscoring of Hinchcliffe’s racist joke. “How do you like my garbage truck?” he said. “This truck is in honor of Kamala and Joe ...
Silverman said the report does not factor in how much Jersey residents will have to spend on clean energy technology investments because “it’s very difficult to say what are those things going to cost in the future, particularly as the state rolls out its own incentive policies and obviously...
How much snow will New Jersey get in the winter of 2024? CanvaAccuWeather is predicting New York City and the surrounding areas are likely to see 18-26 inches of powder. As far as when winter weather will be most active, they say gear up for nor'easters in late January and February ...
Almost 72 hours over land, and the storm still had that much moisture locked up in its circulation. The flooding, property damage, and loss of life here in New Jersey was truly catastrophic. In a sense, terms like remnants and post-tropical storm and extra-tropical storm are dangerous, as...
At the rate we use fuel, assuming the savings remains constant, the gas savings alone will be $117/year. Not to mention, Costco is only a couple blocks from my work and directly on my route home every day. (I won’t add any additional mileage when filling up.) Reply Lisa in NJ ...
A ti? (a tee) just like above, this form is used when speaking in informal occasions. A vie? (a V. A.) used when speaking in formal occasions or when talking to elderly people. Please Te Molam (the mo-lam) informal Ve Molam (vae mo-lam) Thank you/Thank you very much Blagodara...
"I told Pauly D to start the grill and he puts charcoal in a gas grill, then he asks me to light it and were this close to pretty much blowing up the house," - Mike Sorrentino (The Situation) #8. Getty Images #8. "When you're tanner, you feel hotter and sexier. You should ...
The Heat Is On! It will definitely feel like the "dog days of summer" for a good part of this week with our next mini heat wave making its way through the Garden State. Wednesday may be a record breaker as the actual temps will head towards triple digits which means it will be hot...