Excel is a powerful tool for storing data and crunching numbers—if you know how to use it. Here's everything a beginner needs to know about how to use Excel.
this makes collaborating with others much faster and easier than ever before when working on spreadsheets together. can excel be used for data analysis? yes, excel is a great tool for analyzing data. it includes powerful functions that can help you quickly answer questions by crunching through ...
Financial reports help you understand how well a company is doing financially. They contain information about how much money the company has, how much it earns, how much it spends and much more. People like the board of directors, investors, financial experts and even government agencies use th...
The data labels make the sunburst chart quickly quite big if you have much data to graph, a smaller sunburst chart hides the data labels. The treemap is a better choice if you want to more easily compare their sizes. The image above shows the largest city populations in Africa and Asia....
It might be impossible to read the smaller series values on the y-axis if you have two series of data plotted on a chart and one of the series has much smaller values, see the image above. Data in series A on the Excel chart above is really hard to compare and analyze. You can so...
This value controls how much the spin button control increments the current value. To put a number value in cell G1 (depending on which item is selected in the list), type G1 in theCell linkbox. Click any cell so that the spin button is not selected. When you cli...
I understand you suggested summing a text string which is much more relatable to this article. And to do so, you can merge the SUM, VALUE, and TEXTSPLIT functions. Here is the combined formula: =SUM(VALUE(TEXTSPLIT(A1,"+"))) Don’t hesitate if you have further suggestions for us. ...
Method 1 – Using the Asterisk Symbol to Multiply Two Columns in Excel Suppose we want to know how much Sales is generated for a particular product. Click on cell E5. Go to the formula bar and insert the following formula: =C5*D5 Press Enter. Here, we are multiplying two cells C5 ...
=IFERROR(Formula,0) is much better than =IF(ISERROR(Formula,0,Formula)) Problem: The syntax is incorrect If a function’s syntax is not constructed correctly, it can return the #VALUE! error. Solution: Make sure you are constructing the syntax properly. Here’s ...
When we calculate a variance, we are asking, given the relationship of all these data points, how much distance do we expect on thenextdata point? This "distance" is called theerror term, and it's what variance is measuring. By itself, variance is not often useful because it does not ...