I've had so many bad experiences like this in Germany it really made me cautious. I was talking to my wife if it's just me - she's not so much involved in my work so she has a fresh perspective. But she also confirmed that in Germany she sees so many people who are money-...
As a tech lead, you are responsible for ensuring the learnings from the team are captured and disseminated as much as possible, so the team’s experience and expertise can accumulate and grow over time.Brgc’c iersae qjaz ndrc onqv, kup timhg hzz, zc kc mspb lk drv eiagnlnr anepsp...
Of course, this works similarly in C/C++ but the process is much more complicated and involved. I can further extol the virtues of Ruby if people wanted - for now, I'll just say that it's an extremely effective language which has been used (again, thanks mainly to RoR) by the likes...