教务管理 - K iShow 培训/辅导机构 未融资 更换职位 职位关闭 行政教务前台 - K 娜威文化 培训/辅导机构 天使轮 职位详情 长沙 1年以内 大专 销售经验 教育工作经验 培训机构 线下教育 教务管理 线上教育 学前儿童/小学生 1.接待家长、学员报名咨询等工作,学员课来自BOSS直聘间的安全维护: 2.学期主要大事件跟...
1、目录Ishow2018 高级班文本 3.0一人物 Bob Branson 二人物 Andrea , James 三找室友 四工作 amusement park , intern , landscaping job 五工作 working asa tutor ,in a restaurant , for a marketing company 六借东西 七三角恋 八三个故事 九丢钱包 十四个烦恼相机,蓝色西装,车)撞鲸,抢银行,卡烟囱),...
Our last stage is training a supervised segmentation model using the refined pseudo-labels from the previous stage. The supervised model is based on segmenting objects by locations (SoloV2) [80]. SoloV2 is an updated version of Solo [81], a previous method for instance segmentation. The idea...
I'm also interested in hearing any progress you make on teaching using PySimpleGUI. It's very much part of the vision I've got for PySimpleGUI, especially as I move into the mobile space. Not every kid around the world can afford a hardware kit to learn to program, but they've all...
” (M4). However, the collaboration between DTIs and the core IT lacks a shared understanding. Thus, the CIO/CDO and DTI3-3 co-located the core IT and DTI3-1 in an open-plan office so as to foster collaboration. “I am very much looking forward to it. It suits our way of ...
For this study, we also held a survey on several social media platforms asking how much people trust self-driving cars. Out of the 254 responses, 36.8% indicated not to trust driving around in a self-driving car. As reported in previous surveys, the majority of these people explained to ...
The first is whether there is a threshold or minimum amount of education necessary to have measureable impacts on nutrition. This is important since many countries are now close to reaching the much lauded target of universal primary education although this progress has not yet translated to univers...
Much of the new data that becomes available relates to information on personal time-activity tracking. Since exposure is strongly dependent on the exposure scenario and place of exposure, such data is immensely useful for exposure modelling. New approaches to use this data include agent-based modell...
DT is framed by governments as parts of strategic actions to leverage digital technologies to extend current business models as much as create new ones, with all that these imply in terms of internal processes and stakeholder relationships (Brown, Fishenden, & Thompson, 2014; Falk, Römmele,...
imaging, based on the relatively low tissue-induced absorption of light at these wavelengths, these studies do not visualize that much of a difference in intensity when used in a surgical environment, justifying the use of different wavelengths as well [146]. Even deeper NIR (e.g., 1000 to...