Many people don’t need to lose weight prior to surgery, but it may be required because of insurance or medical history. If you need to lose weight, your doctor will let you know how much, and your care team will help with pre-surgery weight loss. Trying other weight-loss options first...
Cold symptoms can also worsen during your journey, and as a result, your return trip may be significantly delayed. It is good to remember that travel insurance may not cover possible illnesses that require medical treatment if the symptoms start...
Besides APAP, there are two other major types of positive airway pressure machines. One isCPAP, orcontinuouspositive airway pressure. The other is BiPAP, orbilevelpositive airway pressure. APAP uses software to automatically adjust the amount of air to match your needs during the night. For insta...
A BiPAP isn’t the only type of ventilator that uses positive pressure to help you breathe. Another common breathing device is the continuous positive airway pressure machine, or CPAP. Both deliver air pressure when you breathe in and breathe out. But a BiPAP delivers higher air pressure when ...
Need to find out how to bill your insurance for CPAP masks, machines and supplies? Billing codes and claim forms available at
Without treatment, the condition can lead to heart failure and death. Treatments include oxygen and breathing supports, like a CPAP or BiPAP machine. Weight loss is usually recommended, too, although you need a significant weight loss to reverse OHS. ...
Hence, for this emerging research area to sink stronger roots, there is much to gain from a more integrated understanding of FIH. Such appreciation should ideally synthesize the main empirical contributions from both research streams, and also elucidate on who the actors are, what is being done,...
Snoring is a complicated problem—not to mention sleep apnea, its dangerous cousin. Here's what the experts and research say about winning the snore war.
(POC), apnea breathing devices (CPAP), canes or elbow crutches, into the cabin with you in addition to the carry-on baggage allowance included in your ticket. However, it's important to note that this allowance is only meant for the assis...
Or it might never occur to a doctor that a patient with sleep apnea is refusing his prescription for a CPAP machine not out of stubbornness but because she has no electricity—as one client confided to Garfield. "There is a deep-rooted and legitimate concern (for people of color) whether...