Expect 23°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 7 hours of sunshine per day in Nairobi in November. Check more long-term weather averages for Nairobi in November before you book your next holiday to Kenya in 2025/2026....
As we all know, environmental pollution is serious now. Our group wanted to know how much our young people knew about his problem and whether they realized the situation of our environment. So we made a survey of them. This survey was mainly about many different environmental problems in Chin...
Gosh, there will be so much to do – and there already is. However, as much as I doubted my choice a few months ago, looking back – and can I really say looking back while we are still in the middle of what will surely become a complex protracted crisis – I believe I made the...
u is the pore water pressure, φ is the internal friction angle, c is the cohesion, and s is suction. The last two variables are the shear stress interparticle components that are characteristics of the tailings material. The internal friction angle ranges from 21 to 41º for the tailings ...
How to harness the power of AI for your business While Safaricom installed CCTV cameras on some major highways, such as Thika Superhighway and Mombasa Road, they have had little impact on reducing road carnage. We can replace them with AI-powered sensors and cameras installed on vehicles that ...
And the big insight I had from working in H.R. at Walmart for ten years is that you should decide how much vacation you have, not the organization because there’s typically systems inside most organizations around unpaid leave. And sabbaticals, as you know, is you know, that you can ...
Kathrin:If you’re in Kenya and you want to do marketing, you don’t do as much social media, for example, like in Europe where everything is done online. It’s coming up. You see a lot of development, especially where I’m at here in Nyeri. The development in Nyeri within the...
it is possible to swim in the Devil’s Poolfrom around mid-August to late-December. But it’s the water levels themselves, that are the true determination of whether or not it’s possible. So the possibility of swimming in Devil’s Pool ultimately depends on the weather during your exact...
97.Polar Ice Melt– Monitoring the polar ice melt using satellites like GOCE and GRACE that measures how much mass is on Earth. (GOCE and GRACE Satellites) Aquatics 98.Stream Order– Defining stream size based on a hierarchy of tributaries the Strahler Index (or Horton-Strahler Index) – an...
Word of mouth is the greatest tool for getting newer students. At some point, I was able to continue getting students without trying too much. Once a year, around the time that high school students start preparing for SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, and GMAT, I get emails from new students referred ...