Frank Shallenberger MD, and Certified in Ozonotherapy (APT), a Diplomate of the American Academy of Health Care providers, and a member of American Association of Ozonotherapy. He is one of the few physicians in the nation with both a naturopathic medical degree and a chiropractic degree. He...
Home-based Early Intervention on Auditory and Speech Development in Mandarin-speaking Deaf Infants and Toddlers with Chronological Aged 7–24 Months Their biological age is less than their chronological age, sometimes by as much as 25 years. The secret to looking and staying youthful More results ...
Phillies Feeling Ticket Bounce After Cliff Lee Signing, But How Much? The Red Sox have played seven games at Citizens Bank Park through the years and have hit at least one home run in each of those games. Casey, Pedroia, Drew star in loss Recently opened ballparks such as Citizens Bank ...