but to who but tomorrow but tomorrow still is but tonal very warm but too careful but too much too much but traffic jams are but truth and fact but truth matters but u can never leave but until that day but very infrequently but visiting hours en but wasted new tears but we also see...
but the interpretation is much more complicated. In all texts, it is translated as “woman not man” or “woman is not a man”. However, Swahili dictionaries defineMkeas wife andmumeas a husband. This is something that we have not been able to clarify and for which we expect help from...
Pricing strategy can revolve around keeping prices as low as possible, or it can be more complex. Offering "premium" prices, or pricing higher than the competition can trigger a sense in consumers mind that the higher priced items are better quality, or more worth the cost. Perceived quality ...
Apple is an example of a company that continues to lead the market through a differentiation strategy. The company released the first iPod in 2003, which at the time was an innovative game changer as it allowed users to play music and shuffle songs in whatever order they desired. The brandc...
the average intra-regional share of trade flows is 75% whereas the same metric averages only 18% in the Middle East & North Africa.26 In Europe, international activity primarily involves interactions with neighbors, whereas in the Middle East & North Africa, distant countries loom much larger....
As a marketer, you should explore your options and take advantage of tools that can do much of the heavy lifting on your behalf. Earned Media Value Earned media value (EMV) attempts to measure the monetary worth of publicity gained through earned media coverage, such as news articles, ...
000 square miles. Urban expansion win be concentrated in that continent's five regions: the Nile River in Egypt; the coast of West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea; the northern shores of Lake Victoria in Kenya and Uganda and extending into Rwanda and Burundi; the Kano region in northern ...
It is worth noting that isolated margin can be used for speculative positions. One can limit losses on the initial margin set using this margin strategy. This helps day traders and short-term investors reduce their exposure if a trade does not go as expected. ...
Yet, despite such far-ranging implications, much debate has taken place on the basis of haphazard or inadequate empirical data. Accounting for IMF program heterogeneity, as endeavored here, is a step to rectifying this gap in our knowledge. Our exposition of methodological issues, combined with ...
The set of survival skills for an urban environment is much different than surviving in the wilderness. When a flood strikes, it can be weeks before a repairman can arrive at your house to fix plumbing and electrical issues. Learn basic plumbing and electric work to fix problems like replacing...