RobertDept.ofA.Dept.ofBannatyneDept.ofMarkDept.ofW.Dept.ofMck.Dept.ofEBSCO_AspJournal of Correctional EducationHall, R. & Bannatyne, M. (2000) Technology Education and the Convicted Felon: how it works behind prison walls, Journal of Correctional Education, 51(4), 320-323....
我是Logan Bannatyne。从孩提时代起,我就对摄影充满热情,但我始终将摄影视为艺术上的努力,而不是工作或职业。在2013年访问威尼斯之后,当我开始想知道旅行指南从哪里获取照片以及是否可以卖给我一些照片时,情况发生了变化。这就是我学习股票摄影的方式。经过艰难的开端后,我开始投入大量时间,第二年,我为专职站点拍照...
But how could she? Wouldn't the actor get hurt? Not likely. This scene, like many in the movies, was accomplished with film tricks known as special effects.Bannatyne, Lesley
Dave WilsonRoss BannatyneAppliance Manufacturer