The maximum out-of-pocket is there to protect the consumer, making sure that what the insurance provider is asking them to pay is not too much. Usually, if the premium is high, the out-of-pocket limit is low. What Is Coinsurance?
you have to pay a certain portion of these costs from your pocket. The deductible is one of these out-of-pocket payments. Before your insurance kicks in, you must first be able to hit your deductible. And your deductible restarts every year. ...
I've never went into a raid with an Augmentin or Ibuprofen, these are really expensive and I'd always opt to sell them rather than use them. TheAnalgin Painkillers are more than enough, providing you with 4 painkiller uses for only 5000 roubles...
This is classic game theory. If you're not using a credit card and getting points or cashback... then you're paying for someone else that does get the benefit.Folliculitis Commented on March 16, 2009 Its very interesting to see how much the credit card issuers are making on both sides ...