Cup plunger:When most of us think of plungers (not that we do with much frequency), the image that probably comes to mind is that of a simple wooden handle attached to a rubber cup. It’s this cup that gives this tool its name. This design is most effective on flat-surface drains,...
However, a half-inch of thatch is good for your yard; it provides insulation from temperature extremes, helps keep moisture in the soil, and gives it a protective layer of cushioning. It's when thatch builds up to more than ¾-inch thick that's the problem. Too much decaying plant ...
LATESPRING: You also may need to dethatch your lawn if your thatch is thick and keeping grass roots from getting air and water. One indication of too much thatch is a spongy lawn. Or, if you poke your finger into the soil, the soil will be to hard to penetrate. Wait until late spr...
an aerator pump or control valve failure can cause the ATU to emit septic smells and risks system damage or even failure - by the discharge of inadequately treated wastewater into the effluent disposal bed. See AEROBIC SEPTIC ODORS & SMELLS Drain backups & sewage odors: blocked drain lines ...
using a cleanout frequency table, using objective measurements, using an electronic tank monitor. We also explain what is septic tank effluent retention time, why to measure septic tank scum and sludge levels in sum we provide a comprehensive guide to answering: How often should septic tanks be...
Most people don’t pay much attention to their drains until something unpleasant happens. A lot of times, that unpleasant event is either a smelly drain or a clogged drain. Sinks, shower drains and kitchen drains need to be cleaned so they don’t get smelly. Scented candles or potpourri ma...
Aeration can be done by renting an aerator from your local improvement stores or by hiring a lawn service to handle it. Aeration is best done in the fall. It will not only speed up thatch breakdown and allow oxygen and water to reach the roots, but it will also enhance fertilizer uptake...