The problem with the diamond price chart is not what’s in it but rather what’s not. People tend to rely too much on the chart not knowing its limits. Consider the following two diamonds below – which do you like better? Both diamonds above have the exact same certificate - both are...
Jewelry Like you, thieves also value family heirlooms. You’ll need a creative spot to stash them other than the back of your underwear drawer—something like a safety deposit box would be more effective. Tech devices and electronics This is a bit of a no-brainer. Computers, smart devices...
It was absolutely horrifying trying to move all this “stuff”, all this “clutter”. We downsized and though we left a lot of stuff, 2 months later, I’m still purging out stuff. It just seems endless! Moving is truly a wake up call. You don’t realize how much clutter you have ...
The “glam rock” and “punk styles” of the era represented the rebellious style of the 1970s. The LGBT and feminist movements embraced androgyny amongst both sexes. Men wore platforms and dresses to the discotheque. Even the most professional men were encouraged to primp as much as their la...
The short answer to “how to wear a pocket watch with a suit” is: This. This is how. One of the most important things you need to know about wearing a pocket watch with a suit is that a full three-piece suit is pretty much mandatory. I’ve seen guys try to wear a pocket watch...
How Much Is Inflation Costing You? The most important thing you should do is stay in touch with your creditors and prioritize your payments. Geoff WilliamsJan. 22, 2025 What to Do if You Fall Behind on Bills Don't ignore these warning signs of money mismanagement or financial risk. Geoff ...
De Beers infiltrated Japan with the same ad campaign in the 1960s, and the Japanese public bought into the idea as much as the Americans did. Later ads by De Beers told consumers to hold onto their family's diamond jewelry and to cherish it as heirlooms -- and it worked. This ...
Hands-on building experience is something the apprentices definitely got out of their time at Taliesin West in the early years. The entire complex was built by the Fellowship from scratch. Magnificent buildings, terraces and pools were all part of the oasis at Taliesin West -- much of it desi...
Potential buyers will be looking for visual clues that your house is well cared for. How much work a house seems to require will impact the offering prices you receive, so it’s worthwhile to ensure that everything is in good working order.Here's A Quick Checklist... ...
It sits pretty much at the top of the food chain. But the Chopard Alpine Eagle is my solution to a happy middle ground. It's part of the luxury category we have all become so attuned to, and yet it looks a little different, a little more unusual in shape with a deliciously textured...