An uncontested divorce is where both parties agree on all issues in the divorce, including the division of marital property and debts, child custody, child support, and spousal support — what’s known as "alimony."Kim Kardashian files for divorce from Kanye West Kim Kardashian has filed ...
Shannon divorced her husband in 2017 after 17 years of marriage. The divorce was finalized in 2018 and came with a sweet alimony check of $22,500 a month in Shannon’s favor. Her divorce documents also showed that she was earning around $400,000 from her own job—her job allegedly being...
How Much Debt Can I Already Have and Still Get a Mortgage? The amount of debt you can have will depend on your income, and in particular your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. Generally having a DTI of 30% or less is the rule of thumb going into the mortgage application process, and with...
New Jersey, has lived comfortably since the divorce. But she is worried now that alimony has ended. “I feel like I’m looking into the abyss, wondering if my money will last,” she said. “It’s scary doing this on your own.” ...
5.Income tax return: Prepare in 5 steps 6.FAQs What is income tax? Income tax is the tax that governments collect from the businesses’ and individuals’ money earned throughout the year. The amount of tax is determined by how much money the business or individual makes. ...
New Jersey, for instance, allows for several types of alimony, including "reimbursement alimony," says Barbara L. Feinberg, a family law attorney in Rockaway, New Jersey. "Reimbursement alimony," she explains, "can be awarded if the non-doctor spouse helps put his or her partner through medi...
How to file for divorce in FloridaThere’s a 30-day simplified divorce process for couples who agree on terms, do not have dependent children, and have no alimony involved. Otherwise, contact the local court clerk’s office for information on the state’s four types of divorce....
Creditors essentially must stop pursuing you for payment. But the automatic stay goes further than just communication. It can also prevent drastic measures like repossession of your car or foreclosure on your home, giving you much-needed breathing room. This period allows you to focus on creating...
Bond in the amount of $500, which thecourt requires the plaintiff to payin case the lawsuit fails. Fee for consulting an attorney or law firm that specializes in estate planning or probate litigation. The attorney’s fee depends on the specifics of the case, including how much work is inv...
If you have job, your employer will send you a W-2 form in the mail which shows how much you earned and how much income tax was already withheld. Subtract any adjustments (examples: alimony that you paid, deposits in retirement plans, self-employment estimated taxes paid, moving expenses,...