Bad news for those hoping to celebrate the end of Dry January - the price of alcohol is due to rise tomorrow as a hike in tax and duties comes into effect. The alcohol tax itself will increase in line with the Retail Price Index at 3.6% but a new system to tax wines and spirits ba...
Alcohol excise taxes support public health goals and income generation, much like cigarette excise taxes do. Petrol, diesel and other motor fuels are subject to this tax on fuel. Typically, it is imposed to pay for transportation infrastructure and deter excessive fuel use. Additionally, fuel ...
First, you should know how much you need, and you should be able to demonstrate good reasons for it. Use the financial projections of your business plan to estimate an amount and determine the type of loan you need. Business line of credit (LOC): This is a flexible loan that behaves ...
(directly or indirectly) are designed to limit or at least mitigate their impact. Taxes on harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol help fund research and prevention, but also deter people from using those substances in the first place. When a pack of cigarettes costs more than $10 (as ...
Supporters of legalization propose that marijuana should be regulated and taxed similarly to how alcohol is. There would be a set legal age for those who wish to purchase it, the marijuana would only be available at certain retail outlets, it would be taxed, and there would still be criminal...
One way to ensure the success of your business is to take advantage of all the resources that are available to you. Public and private organizations, as well as nonprofits, offer everything from financial help to education, mentorship, and much more. Here are some of the many resources that...
The type of business structure you land on will play a major role in how your business is taxed, managed, and owned. The structure you choose will also determine how much personal liability you have in case your business goes bankrupt or gets sued by an angry customer or supplier. Each ty...
Keep in mind that this is not taking any possible deductions into account; instead, it is just talking about their income and how it would be taxed. This will help you visualize why people who make more money are taxed much more than those who make less. ...
How Much Tax Will I Pay on Capital Gains? In general, capital gains tax rates are lower than tax rates on ordinary income. Most capital gains will be taxed at a rate of 0%, 15%, or 22%, depending on the taxpayers income bracket. ...
In some cases, governments levy excise taxes on goods that have a high social cost, such as cigarettes and alcohol. These types of excise taxes are sometimes calledsin taxesbecause the good being taxed has a reputation for being "sinful" or with negative consequences associated with it.1 The ...