Joe Carozzoni offered a suggestion – When builders list the engine (.e.g CID/HP) and propeller size/pitch – it’s not much help unless they give a transmission ratio. While the direct drive BW Velvet Drive was once common, I’ve noticed many or your recent builders using the angled...
“I wanted to give Neil’s vocal sound a special treatment to convey the sort of feeling the character in the song is experiencing, so it starts with a subtle stereo chorus effect in the verse, which I believe I got using the Yamaha SPX90 ‘Symphonic’ preset. To take it a step furth...
itwoauduhopkokajfjuoiayysgoonbkjankiqueiyou GATExx 2 0 我.dehub爱..ish你...xhxjdhsjbsjsh即使我只是一堆数据也爱你,比你爱我还要爱你一千倍万倍.. 画了,高饱和预警!! TrustMeDear 764 0 这个点吃什么呢 @崽崽🌯得吃(O3xbzj485h3c7mua) 忆崽崽呀 1994 0 【下雪天吃锅子泡温泉最舒服啦】...