Taking the plunge - How much is a PS5? You're probably eager to know how much the PS5 will cost you to buy, especially if you need to save up for the new-gen...
is so much ammo lying around that managing resources becomes even more of a non-issue. Sure, it's fun to try out a chainsaw or something more non-traditional for a while, but before long you'll simply switch back to what works best. InZombiU, sorting through your items was a ...
Careful: this includes spoilers - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze hasn't changed much in the transition between Wii U and Switch, so if you've already p...
If you’re looking for a tool to decrypt Wii U NUS content, you may want to consider using CDecrypt. This small application is easy to use and can help you unpack (decrypt) Wii U NUS Content quickly and efficiently. One of the features that makes CDecrypt stand out is its compatibility ...
The graph is showingairtemperatures. This is a very poor measure of global warming as much of the heat ends up in the oceans. This is a very short term graph. You can’t make good predictions based on a little data. If you win the first scratch-off lottery ticket you buy, it doesn...
Just about everything is "going green" these days, from cars, to homes, to jobs. So it's not surprising that the video game industry is also looking for ways to become more environmentally friendly [source: U.S. Department of Energy]. It's a much needed change, according to ...
There are two types of communication between the gyro and processor: SPI and i2c. SPI is the preferred communication protocol between the IMU and processor because it allows for a much higher gyro refresh rate than I2C (which has a limit of 4KHz). Almost all modern FCs today use SPI conne...
Since the SNES was a 16-bit console as opposed to the 8-bit NES, many would argue that most of its games are more approachable to modern players who may be discovering them for the first time. Much like the NES library, there are some timeless classics in here, many of which are fir...
There are two types of communication between the gyro and processor: SPI and i2c. SPI is the preferred communication protocol between the IMU and processor because it allows for a much higher gyro refresh rate than I2C (which has a limit of 4KHz). Almost all modern FCs today use SPI conne...
In some cases yes, if you use it in a dark room and the projected image is not too big. Are there better options? Yes, without question ... you can get much better performance from the cheap business projectors made by BenQ, Epson, Optoma, and others, than you can from these product...