In fact, just one of the eight cylinders in a Top Fuel engine produces as much horsepower as a NASCAR Sprint Cup car [source: McGee]. Top Fuel engines can't burn regular gasoline, or even race gas. They need nitromethane, a special kind of fuel, which is how these cars got the ...
Top-fuel dragster.(HOW IT WORKS)Webster, Larry
However, nitromethane is actually much less volatile than gasoline. Ergo, you can burn a lot more nitro in the combustion chamber, leading to much more power from every explosion inside the engine. Top Fuel dragsters are unsurprisingly thirsty machines, burning anywhere from 16 to 23 gallons of...
Oil prices always trade in fairly narrow ($20 to $40 price ) bands for decades at a time. Any significant price spikes outside of those bands are short lived. Oil is not going to $150 or $175 or $200 or ridiculously $300 anytime soon,...
Answer to: In a 100 metre race, A, B and C all run at a uniform pace. If A beats B by 10 metres and B beats C by 10 metres, by how much does A beat...
One of the most important modifications that you'll need to make in a serious drag racer is in the suspension. Make sure you upgrade the suspension after increasing the power, to make sure you match the stress specs to the new power of the vehicle. If your dragster has rear leaf ...
What a rush.(how Top Fuel dragsters get their tremendous speed, U.S.)West, Ted