Corn is the most widely planted crop in the United States and much of the world. Corn that is picked fresh when kernels are plump and juicy is a vegetable. Corn that is picked when kernels are hard and dry is considered a grain. Corn articles at Harvest to Table: How to Plant and Gr...
The impact of potassium supply on silage maize dry matter yield was studied in a multi-year field trial on a light sandy soil in northernGermany. A potassium supply of 83 kg K ha"' was sufficient for maximising dry matter yield, while K demand was higher for maximum K yield and a zero...
If the pen is small, the piglets will grow faster because they will not have as much room to exercise and the ground can get really destroyed. Also, in a smaller area, parasites have more of a chance to grow. Finally, a small pen in the Spring when the weather is wet can result in...
The offi- cial German target is a 30% share of organic agricul- tural area by 2030, while German stakeholders con- sider 24% realistic and 44% desirable. It is unclear how such a shift may affect the food and land use sys- tem. We use data from a crop/pest model to estimate yield...
Those from the category 3 or sub-products destined for human consume may be also used for this aim, however their re-utilisation is much more efficient when employed at higher steps of the waste hierarchy. For food packaging, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, marine protein-based products ...
A major problem with coal is that its full costs are not reflected in its market price; thus, while they may seemingly purchase and burn coal cheaply, these countries are paying a much higher cost in the long run, if we look at the big picture. The price of electricity is the lowest ...
Chances are you will not be able to meet the producer that is selling the cattle--except if it's a dispersal sale--so you are pretty much on your own as to deciding what cattle you can buy. It may help to go in the corrals behind the ring to have a look at the animals ...