pets—they’re easy to care for, and with frequent handling they can be very docile and affectionate. However, the average hamster lifespan is a good deal shorter than some other common household critters, so this is good consider when you’re welcoming a new hamster into your house. ...
If a hamster is injured and in pain, it may stop eating; if this happens, you're going to have to visit the vet to get it treated and get pain medication (this often happens if it has a broken rib). With pain medication and hand-feeding, it can survive if you give it a lot of...
The slow loris's markings warn that it's a “cute, tiny, little, fluffy, fur-ball of death."
We prefer to argue with much different styles and on different timelines, which used to lead to more frustration and anger until we figured out a system that works for us. Disagreements will occur and you have to find a system that works for both of you, because hamster wheels suck – ...
This is how he felt; I’m in total shock right now, but thank you so much Mr. Schwarzenegger. I was completely blindsided by the amount of support /r/gainit showed me, but this something else. I’m going to make sure I come back to this subreddit bigger and stronger to show...
Take care of the babies if the mother hamster has died. Sometimes, baby hamsters are orphaned due to complications during the birth. If the hamsters are 12 to 14 days old, they will have a much easier time surviving. Place a heating pad on the lowest setting under the cage to make up...