a set, he wants to get his work done and then go home. The easier you make the job, the more you’ll get hired. Its been said that the porn business is the only multi-billion dollar industry with no professionals. Much of the public thinks party, with naked starlets floating in ...
Dose:Most espresso brewed anywhere today would be considered a “double shot”, producing around 2 fl oz of liquid espresso. To brew a double espresso you’ll most ideally use something in the range of 18–21g of ground coffee; when deciding on how large of a dose to use, your first ...
The perfect espresso martini only needs four ingredients–vodka, espresso, coffee liqueur, and simple syrup. Make Delish’s easy espresso martini at home.
Break out your bean grinders and come to attention because barista class is in session! Join Kaleena Teoh and Chi Sum Ngai, owners of Coffee Project NY, as they teach us how to make (almost) every espresso drink your average coffee consumer could come ac
Timing is key. If the shot is too long, the shot becomes acidic and bitter. If it’s too short, it becomes watery and run down. We want the shot to look like honey, that is, we want the shot to pour out of espresso machines at a steady flow with a bit of resistance, as seen...
An espresso recipe consists of dose, yield, and time. Using a scale and measuring these elements in a recipe will help you replicate a great shot and quickly troubleshoot when issues arise.DoseOur dose is how much ground coffee we are putting into our basket. Choose your dose based on ...
Owning a drive-thru coffee shop is a profitable business if you’re willing to put in the time and effort required to do it right from the start. If you follow the tips outlined here, you’ll be far ahead of your competition, and you’ll not only see more profit, but also provide ...
(measured in "bars") to a given volume of water, which is resisted by the espresso in the portafilter. An espresso that is ground too fine will resist the flow of water too much, while a grind that is too coarse will let the water pass through too quick and result in an under...
You can use anyNespressocapsule in your piccolo drink, but this coffee is typically only made with a single shot of espresso or ristretto. ‘Ristretto’ means a restricted shot of coffee, where about half the amount of water is used. For how to make a piccolo in the classic style, we’...
We’ve come a long, long way since two decades ago, when we had to settle for espresso machines that had as much as 10F (about 5-7C) variance on brewing temperatures, shot to shot. Today, you can easily find PIDs (Proportional, Integral, Derivative control – a sciencey, lab-by ele...