The good news is that GameStop offers an additional$20 or more in-store creditwhen you trade in a PS4 console and even more if you have a GameStop Pro membership. Here’s how much trade-in credit you can get toward a PS5, depending on your PS4 console: PS4 500GB — Pro $83 /...
If you don’t find one around you, exploring online second-hand selling platforms, such as the eBay website, can be your next best option. Also Read: How Long Does PS4 Maintenance Last? How Much is PS4 Retail Price? PS4 retail prices currently lie around USD 300. The prices have ...
HBO Max serves as a one-stop streaming service where subscribers can access an array of fresh and familiar content that is sure to entertain, educate, and enlighten. As its slogan “Where HBO meets so much more” suggests, HBO Max represents the merging of HBO’s famously high-caliber conte...
It depends. If you are going to hold a product demonstration event, it is best to use alavalier microphone. Since these microphones are hands-free, they will allow a presenter to play with a model or other material objects without thinking much about the microphone. ...
Once you’ve chosen what data is going to be moved across, you’ll be shown how much free space will be left on the new console’s hard drive once the process is complete, and an estimate of how long the transfer will take.
Forgetting or ignoring to update your drivers is a universal problem. Outdated drivers usually don't cause much trouble until they do and the ps4 solid white light is the perfect example of that. So if your error is borne out of outdated drivers it's time to update them and we will tel...
How to Play PS4 on Laptop – Your Complete Guide As a gaming company, the truth is that there is so much that Sony could be doing better. However, over the years, they have gotten quite a lot right as well. One of these was the release of the Play Station 4 in 2013. This consol...
Co-Director Naoki Hamaguchi:My biggest goal was to get a first-hand feel of the performance of the next-gen hardware leading up to the next installment ofFINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE. I was able to learn several things, like how much load is feasible using 3K a...
This is even more of a nuclear option than the above. Not only will it restore your PS4 to factory settings, but it’ll also roll back the PS4’s firmware, meaning you will truly get a day-one experience for your console. This pretty much shouldn’t be used under most circumstances....
Using a VPN on your phone, laptop or PC is usually a straightforward process. However, it’s much more complex if you want to use one on Sony’s PS4 and PS5. Much to the dismay of gamers, Sony doesn’t allow VPN apps on its platform, meaning you can’t just browse Sony’s Play...