Should you want to break out the muddler for mojitos, you'll also need a bottle of this. Try Appleton Estate. DRY VERMOUTHThe other half of a martini. IRISH WHISKEYBushmills and Jameson are both good staples. SCOTCHDon't skimp on this one. The Macallan Cask Strength is a good option....
You’ll still have a bit of water in the pot…that’s ok. Just pour out as much as you can. Measure in 2 1/4 cups of water. Put the lid on. Notice this rice cooker has air vents – this allows the steam to escape during cooking, which is good. If you use a microwave pot ...
Any juice will work for wine, I like red grape juice because it will make normal red wine. But get adventurous – find something on sale or in season. Any fruit will work, even berries. The most important number to look at is the sugar content, because this will tell you how much al...