A mouse that goes through a high amount of dragging behavior tends to have a shorter lifespan. The high number of mouse button clicks reduces its life by a big margin. You can get over this drawback, however, by opting for mice with optical switches that have much longer lifespans. Anot...
Many people tend to forget to wash their makeup brushes. The amount of bacteria that can mount upon them means that cleaning them regularly is a significant factor in keeping your skin clear. Regular washing should be at the top of the list for clear skin tips....
His current installation, Lightscape, is up for another month. We chat with him from his home in LA about how much a cup of coffee costs, Skete Davidson's tattoo removal, using image resolution as a mile marker for time, really expensive speakers, if he could book anyone to play at ...
Is it possible for you to post a copy of a small sample of the file you're working with? Put it on OneDrive or GoogleDrive with a link here that grants access. Make it as anonymous as possible (e.g., no real names; and ideally modify the phone numbers ever...
the audio prep is an extremely effective complementary mode to help familiarize you with questions and answers which you can listen to, for example, in your car. We regularly get feedback from people who love the audio mode and tell us how much time it saved them and how much it helped ...
stall. Using a pump requires assembling multiple pieces, which is tricky in a small space with no counter. I brought a manual pump to the conference because it’s smaller and lighter than my electric one. The downside is it’s painfully slow. I held up that stall for a good 25 minutes...
I am login through exchange server 'Web Outlook App' to send email out. The send email is working fine, but I want to know how to send a 'Priority' email...
Is 3,000 calories of chicken breast and broccoli the same as 3,000 calories of chocolate cake? Not so much. You will get a massive insulin spike and zero protein with the chocolate cake compared to the latter (not to mention the lack of vitamins and minerals). Now, the saying “you ...
Well if the bike was built by Ernesto Colnago himself, that would be very special. At a guess, I’m not sure how much frame building Ernesto was doing in the late 1970’s as I expect he may have been very busy running a large and successful company. Maybe the frame was built some ...
But the magic of aperture is what it does for all those bright DSO's we do manage to look at. I had my 18" out this past week and, while adequate, I really wish I had taken the 25". The view is that much better. Vic Menard, tttalinky and NeroStar like this ...