a payment made directly to either a spouse or to a third party for the benefit of a spouse (ie. direct payment of a mortgage). Ohio courts have the discretion to award spousal support in a divorce or a legal separation when it is requested by one or both of the parties or after the...
How to File for Divorce in Ohio details both divorce and dissolution in the state, as well as the procedures to complete each. While divorce laws have become more complex over the past years, this book explains everything you need to know in simplified, straightforward language. Complete with...
Keep your divorce records even after the process is over. These will be important to refer to in the future when one person wants to renegotiate support or when you seek to remarry. Consulting with a divorce lawyer or divorce attorney can help ensure a smoother process, especially when ...
Power of Attorney Requirements in Ohio Power of Attorney Requirements in Georgia How to Get Power of Attorney in Texas How to Get a Durable Power of Attorney in Florida How to Get a Durable Power of Attorney in California Can Power of Attorney Change Beneficiaries on a Bank Account?
Perhaps the most difficult aspect of divorce is that it often requires people to make significant life changes going forward. "They don't realize how much divorce should impact their lifestyle," Yrizarry says. That may mean downsizing a house, forgoing vacations or changing jobs to ...
Florida only allowsno-fault grounds for divorce. You simply need to state in the divorce papers that the marriage is irretrievably broken or one spouse is mentally incapacitated. These are the only two grounds for divorce in the state, neither of which assign fault to either partner. ...
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Having asset protection is critical to protecting your assets from creditors. There are many circumstances in which your assets can be attached orgarnishedby creditors, including if you file for bankruptcy, get a divorce, or are in a civil lawsuit. ...
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There are many good reasons to make a power of attorney because it ensures that someone will look after your financial affairs if you become incapacitated. But signing a POA that grants broad authority to an agent is very much like signing a blank check. ...