Power Bi Desktop also includes features such as On-page interaction with allows users to build and format a visual directly within the interface. This preview functionality makes building reports much more interactive. Another unique feature is Power BI Home in Desktop, a centralized interface to ke...
In this study, spectral Granger causality analysis is employed to investigate the spectral dynamics of uncertainty transmission and its impact on economic growth and financial development in Saudi Arabia from 1993 to 2020. We examine the relationships between crude oil volatility, geopolitical risk, glob...
On April 20, 2023, the President pledged $1 billion per year to a global Climate Fund to help the poorer countries suffering most from climate change. The President had previously pledged $11.4 billion per year in climate aid to poorer countries. Some highlight that this is much less than ...
But cooperation is undermined by free-riding—the hope that others will compensate one’s own less-than-fair contributions, a compensation that causes the group to reach the target while maximizing the particular individual’s profit. If too much free-riding occurs, because of too frequent ...
we know much less about how violence shapes the attitudes and behavior towards healthcare use among civilians exposed to violent conflict – what may be called demand-side factors. Here, I theorize that exposure to violence suppresses civilian demand for healthcare through two mediating channels –...
Harvard Dataverse . doi:10.7910/DVN/ Q1V0OG.Hainmueller, Jens, Jonathan Mummolo and Yiqing Xu. 2016. "How Much Should We Trust Estimates from Multiplicative Interaction Models? Simple Tools to Improve Empirical Practice.".Hainmueller, J., J. Mummolo, and Y. Xu (2016), `How Much Should ...
I bet this is a bigger change for many of the professionals in Power Platform and Dynamics 365 area than the new Dataverse brand. We’ve been talking about entities ever since the birth of MS CRM and now all of a sudden the idea of“entities are much, MUCH more than a mere database...
Or, alter- natively, is supported to changes in how the technology is used, including how much control an individual has over the system? The existing literature on technology adoption and diffusion suggests a series of hypotheses that drive at the heart of this puzzle. 2.1 Prior ...
However, the lemming behavior that is evident in much of the bibliometric literature can be a major source of bias. Specifically, earlier (seminal) findings in research lines are typically well known, published in top journals (with high impact factors), almost always positive, and receive more...