尽管这条路最早是诸多摩托车爱好者挑战自身骑术的首选,但随着时间的推移,越来越多的汽车驾驶爱好者也前往此地感受着那份独特的速度与激情。 为了更好的享受这段路,我们的这次假期租用了一台2019款的Camaro SS。 就个人而言,我觉得这段路还是很爽的,尽管绝对速度并不能开得太快,但是多样化的弯道种类让人大呼过瘾。
#汽车视觉# CarShow——我开着Camaro SS跑山,血液里散发着汽油的芬芳http://t.cn/Ai3qwCeY
尽管这条路最早是诸多摩托车爱好者挑战自身骑术的首选,但随着时间的推移,越来越多的汽车驾驶爱好者也前往此地感受着那份独特的速度与激情。 为了更好的享受这段路,我们的这次假期租用了一台2019款的Camaro SS。 就个人而言,我觉得这段路还是很爽的,尽管绝对速度并不能开得太快,但是多样化的弯道种类让人大呼过瘾。
尽管这条路最早是诸多摩托车爱好者挑战自身骑术的首选,但随着时间的推移,越来越多的汽车驾驶爱好者也前往此地感受着那份独特的速度与激情。 为了更好的享受这段路,我们的这次假期租用了一台2019款的Camaro SS。 就个人而言,我觉得这段路还是很爽的,尽管绝对速度并不能开得太快,但是多样化的弯道种类让人大呼过瘾。
??? ABM How rare is it??? Ok tell me what you all think. Based upon the info posted here,http://www.camaro5.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82768the numbers paint this picture. Using a total build of 100,000 cars (yes, I know more have been built than that, I just don't have ...
How much oil does my car take? For most Chevrolets, if your oil level is at the minimum mark on your dipstick, you should add about a quart of oil to get to a point where the car is safe to drive. If you drained all of the oil, check your owners manual for the 2010 Chevrolet...
Active Fuel Management (AFM) is a trademarked General Motors technology that improves gas mileage by shutting down half of the cylinders under light-load conditions to reduce fuel consumption. It is also known as Displacement on Demand (DoD) or cylinder deactivation. How Does AFM Affect...
Airflow is what you’re after, and a modern gauze filter such as these Summit Racing and K&N filters will flow better than anything else. We’re not talking massive numbers here though. A difference in an air cleaner base can have much more impact on airflow. (Image/Wayne Scraba) ...