When you have met your deductible, you may still have to pay an amount for each prescription. For example, a plan might state that you must pay $10 for each refill of generic drugs or prescription medicine, meaning your out-of-pocket cost will be $10 for each prescription. Out-of-Pocke...
9 Tips to Balance Your Life as a Working Mom When it feels like work and family responsibilities are all too much, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Here are nine ways to balance your life as a working mom and achieve your goals. Rachel Cruze...
needle pierces the cork (and foil). When the thirsty drinker lifts the bottle, the wine travels down the needle and out to a waiting glass, but no oxygen gets in. At the same time, the device injects argon into the bottle – an inert gas that displaces the wine that is taken out....
One way is to put a stick into its reservoir and check how much coolant there is. If the amount of coolant is adequate, proceed to inspect the other engine components below any cracks or any damage that may lead to the coolant getting mixed with engine oil or fuel....
Glass bottles, for instance, while being near-endlessly recyclable, create as much as six times more CO2equivalent (CO2e) than a plastic bottle of the same size,4due to the energy needed to produce and transport them. Aluminium fares better, but still produces twice the CO2e of...
Because rain barrels don’t have much water pressure, the water may not be able to travel very far. Step 2: Lay the foundation Once you’ve figured out where to put your rain barrel, you have two options for preparing the site: Elevated platform: Elevating your rain barrel a few inches...
Since my water bottle is 24 ounces, drinking 4 per day gets me to my 100 by dinner time (this doesn’t even include the water I consumed with my meals, or anything extra throughout the day.) I try not to drink too much after dinner, as I hate waking up in the middle of the ni...