Ice fishing is as much about camaraderie and getting in a little recreation during the frigid winter months as it is about the sport of fishing. For purists, ice fishing is as basic as making a hole, setting up a line and sitting on a stool waiting for the fish to bite. Those who ne...
Much in the same way that Saturnalia and Mithra celebrations fused with NorseYuleLog celebrations to create the Christmas season for Christians. In the Skanda Purana, the diyas are mentioned as a symbol of the sun, described as the cosmic source of light for all life. ...
One of the questions that I talked about was –How much is enough? My answer to that question was a philosophical “not much,” and I gave my reasons for the same. I shared this thought with Kavya too, though I’m not sure if I could explain it well to her. ...
Question: How much should a startup tech budget for legal, accounting, bookkeeping, and insurance? Startup: A startup is a firm, a company, or a project launched by an entrepreneur to develop and validate an expandable business model. It is developed by one or more ...
Functionword(SNumAsString)'Declare the VariablesDimzDPIntAsIntegerDimzArrPlaceAsVariantDimzRStr_PaisasAsStringDimzNumStrAsStringDimzPAsIntegerDimzTempAsStringDimzStrTempAsStringDimzRStrAsStringDimzBpAsIntegerzArrPlace=Array("",""," Thousand "," Lacs "," Crores "," Trillion ","","","","")On...
The decimal part is displayed as a fraction (e.g., “38/100”). Use the function in Excel as: =NumberToWords(12875.38) The result will be:“Twelve Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Five and 38/100” Regards ExcelDemy Reply amir Dec 14, 2024 at 3:07 PM thank so much for your ...
Let’s say you have taken loan of 20 lacs at an 11% interest rate with 10 years as a repayment duration after your moratorium period of 30 months. Here’s how much you will have to pay monthly! Timeline EMI Interest Portion Principal Portion Loan Outstanding End of 1 year 330...
Its 2 years program and you can get a initial salary from 1.5 lacs to 2.5 lacs per annum after the completion of this course. Good Luck. Read More Answer Answer later Report 90 Views who are fashion show organiser is he a businessman or employer? Manidipa Kundu Student Expert 17th...
Mobin Mathew said on September 8, 2012 hi sir, my self mobin mathew, i am an financial service graduate and i like to start a share broking firm. kindly guide me through the process of starting up my dream and how much investment is necessary to start up. hoping for ur reply...
Thanks for sharing the Much needed information to Achieve the heights in Career. All the Aspects like Technical , Business ,Process , Problem solving,Ability Act . is covered . the content is very useful for everybody unlike how much is experience level. Thanks ...