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How much video can 128GB hold? A 128GB memory card may carry about 75 or 76 videos if each film is only 3 minutes long. The data rate of movies is generally influenced by the format and codec of the videos. When this happens, the time it takes for a memory card of that capacity ...
译文示例:It's not about how much you're worth, but how much they are going to pay for having you. ↔ O, senin ne kadar değerli olduğunla ilgili değil fakat sana sahip oldukları için ne kadar ödeyecekleri ile ilgilidir. how much adverb 语法 What is the cost/pri...
Several conclusions can be pulled from this second demand schedule. First, the demand curve is much less steep; consumers in the second market don't dramatically have more demand for the TV as the price declines like the first market. The other main takeaway is that demand is simply lower....
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Is a Netflix subscription worth it? (Image credit: Netflix) If you’ve gotten this far, you’re probably still wondering if a Netflix subscription is worth your time and money, so let’s break it down. Netflix has gone through the wringer for quite some time now. Covid impacts ultima...
睫毛呈淡黄色,虹膜呈浅灰色。夏天明显畏光,日晒后皮肤明显发红,有刺痛感。该状况至今无改善。关于该病正确的是A、可诊断着色性干皮病B、为先天性白癜风C、为泛发白化病D、多巴染色均为阴性E、为部分白化病与本病发病有关的是A、ATP酶B、酪氨酸酶C、核酸内切酶D、5α2-还原酶E、α-苯乳糖苷酶A ...
How much money it makes:$1.2M/year How much did it cost to start:$0 How many people on the team:32 How I Started A Trans Voice Coaching Business [$1.2M/Year] An entrepreneur who is a transgender woman started a profitable company that offers music lessons and vocal coaching to the LGB...