How much do you pay each month in late fees on your bills because you can’t find them, your checkbook or even a stamp to mail them? Who is taking care of your home? Often, we think that the solution to our debt problem is for both spouses to work outside the home. At times we...
I can’t tell you how much your life resonates with mine. Its so hard at the moment. My mind plays over everything I have done for my 2 daughters and trying to understand why they seem to disregard me so. I am 60 but feel as if I am done; tired and want to run away whilst ...
Weed control and the timing of chemical weed and pest control are extremely important. If the plant has reached the flowering stage, it is visited by pollinators. Bad timing with pest control during the growing season can harm pollinators. Harvesting Sunflowers Using Modern Mechanical Methods The ...
Forget-Me-Nots will usually grow well without much aftercare. They do not need to be fed, although a springtime application of mulch to a border is helpful for all plants. Forget-Me-Nots grown in containers should be watered frequently in warm weather to ensure they do not dry out. To ...
It’s worth shopping around to compare interest rates—whether you’re seeking a loan or a place to park your savings. And remember to monitor your interest as you would tend a garden. A loan is a weed, so cut it down as soon as possible. Your savings are flowers, so let them bloom...
That’s worth repeating. Male weed plants do not produce buds with THC. Most growers throw them away on sight. Male Cannabis Plants Do Not Produce Bud There is no way to determine the gender of a plant initially, just by looking at the seeds, or even by looking at young plants. Both...
When the soil surface goes dry, stick your index finger into the soil; if it comes away dry, it is time to water. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Reduce watering as roots approach maturity; too much soil moisture at the end of the growing time will cause roots to crack. An ...
Zonal. These cultivars have a ‘zone’ of red, blue or purple running through the leaf. Ivy leaved. With a trailing habit, these are great in hanging baskets and containers. Regal. Strongly perfumed stunningly large blooms. Angel. Much like the Regal, but with smaller flowers. ...
Growing indoors is much more private than growing outdoors and you also get more control over your grow. Indoor cannabis grow can be surprisingly cheap to get started and maintain, especially if you plan on growing just a few plants.
trees will be much heathier and better looking. Also, keep up the habit of shaping your Christmas trees. Cutting away at dead and gnarled branches every year helps to give the trees that beautiful conical shape that everyone loves. It might seem tedious, but the results will ...