Therefore, here is our conversion ratio for cups to milliliters: (X cups)*236.6 = Y milliliters Or we can use it to convert milliliters to cups: Number of cups = (Number of milliliters)/236.6 So, to figure outhow much is 150 ml, we can fill in the mathematical formula: ...
If you’re curious, here’s how much protein is in a serving of food: 4 oz (113 g) serving of chicken has around 30 g of protein. 4 oz (113 g) serving of salmon has 23 g of protein 4 oz (113 g) of steak has 28 g of protein. As we cover in our “how much protein sh...
The volume of 1 drop of medicine is 1.81 ml. What is the volume in deciliters of 100 drops of medicine? A pharmacist wants to mix a 30% saline solution with a 10% saline solution to get 200 ml of a 12% saline solution. How much of each solution should the pharmaci...
In other words, to get 1/8 cup to tsp, simply multiply the cups by 48. 1/8 of a cup also equals 2 tablespoons or 1 fluid ounce (fl oz). Learn more about how much is 1/8 cup with the conversion chart here! What is 1/8 cup equal to in teaspoons? Here is the tsp in 1/...
1h Serves 8 A challenge NF, V Spring Flowers Bundt Cake 30m 35m Serves 12 Easy V Baking Tips: Cake View all Baking Tips Baking a 1st Birthday Cake Cake Baking for a Bake Sale Cake How much cake mixture you need for a number cake Cake How to Layer a Cake Cake ...
How many grams of glucose would you need to make 500 mL of an 8% solution? How much of a 1.0 M glucose stock solution is needed to make a 500 mL solution containing 25 mM glucose? You have 10 mL of a 30% stock solution of glucose. You need a 2% working solutio...
smaller sizes available, like our 7.5-oz. mini soda cans of Coca‑Cola calorie information on the front of our bottles and cans Many of our beverages contain sugar, which has calories. While sugar is fine in moderation, too much of it isn’t good for anyone. Having too many calories,...
In the UK, however, a gallon is 160 fluid ounces, or 4.546 litres. (We've got more on that insanity over here.) For the sake of the question, 'How much does a gallon of water weigh?', we are going to focus on the American gallon (128 fl oz). How...
One US cup of granulated sugar converts to 7.1 oz. One US cup of un-sifted powdered sugar converts to 4.2 oz. One US cup of chocolate chips converts to 6 oz. When converting between cups and dry ounces (oz) it's important to remember that the cup is a unit of volume and the dr...
The US legal cup is slightly larger than the standard US cup, as it measures out 240mL instead of 8oz or 237mL. This size can be helpful when measuring large amounts of ingredients such as flour or sugar. Knowing how many tablespoons are in a US Legal Cup can also help make sure th...