Once you turn it on, a “Tips” link will be added to your profile. Users can tap it to see your past tips as well as to leave their own tips. If you build a loyal and engaged audience, you’re much more likely to receive tips. You can also put a call-to-action asking your ...
Dana Schwartz on July 18, 2015 at 9:07 am This is such a great post, Joe! I used to be primarily a short story writer but have been working on a novel for so long I feel as though I can’t remember how short stories work – but this brought it all back, and in a much bet...
After ransacking the Internet, I found that choppy video playback happens often when playing videos on Windows 10/7 or Mac, when streaming 4K/HD videos on YouTube, Twitch, Plex, etc., when processing HD/4K videos with Adobe Premiere Pro or iMovie, when transferring GoPro, iPhone, DJI, e...
Sorry for bothering you but your library is much more complicated (although I think meticulous would be a better word) and I am struggling a bit with it. I guess this is the first part I need to modifie? const int Pin_LeftJoyX = A0; const int Pin_LeftJoyY = A1; const int Pin_Ri...