10000 Stellar Lumens is 6682.151 Australian Dollar. So, you've converted10000Stellar Lumensto6682.151Australian Dollar. We used1.496524International Currency Exchange Rate. We added the most popular Currencies and CryptoCurrencies for our Calculator. You can convertStellar Lumensto other currencies from the...
However the main parameter is whether it will produce enough light for the area in which it will be used. The rating of light output in lumens provides this.To help rate the light output to the typical power ratings, and especially tot he old incandescent lights the table below...
I'm just curious how long it took most of you to get to a level that you would consider "proficient" in java, html, C++, etc. I just started about 3 weeks ago and it's massively overwhelming how much information we need to absorb. Just would like to know your stories :) Thank yo...
A high lumens flashlight will short-term blind an attacker. I carry ahigh-lumens pen flashlightto every event. A violent person who gets flashed in the eyes will be stunned momentarily. This is a pretty good video showing that a flashlight is capable of much more than you imagined. Do you...
It is a common misconception that starches—often referred to as “complex carbohydrates”—have a substantially lower glycemic load than simple sugars. Consuming healthy-sounding foods such as whole-grain bread or brown rice contributes to hyperglycemia just as much as consuming a banana or candy ...