Using your personal savings is the most control and lowest cost. No debt or equity dilution but your personal finances are at risk. Before you do this: What’s your risk tolerance How much can you invest without putting your financial security at risk ...
Generally speaking the ability of a business to optimize its net cash flow confirms that the business's financial management is stable and robust. In contrast, in a case where the amount of cash flow that goes out is higher than the cash flow that comes in, it is called a “negative flo...
Besides producing cash crops (e.g. coffee, cotton) households engage in self-employment opportunities based on the exploitation of natural resources. This includes the sale of fruits and medicinal leaves; wood, thatch and reeds for roofing; and timber for making furniture. People also make bricks...
And I learned a whole lot about the writing craftbecauseI spent so much time practicing writing with my short stories. This is why, whether you want to make money as a short story writer or experiment writing them, I think writing short stories is important for every writer who wants to ...
Finally, let’s look at a weakness that may turn out to be a threat: Domestic workforce– with a strong domestic workforce in the United States, Boeing is vulnerable to recent, substantial increases in the minimum wage. This has seen much of aircraft component manufacturing move overseas, with...
Effective demand shows how much would be bought (i.e. how much people can afford to buy and would actually buy) at any given price. It does not mean how much people would like to buy if they had an endless amount of money. Effective demand is demand supported by...
The most well-known of the amused ironies is Franklin's comment on a late addition to his list of virtues, Humility: "I cannot boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue; but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it" Claude-Anne Lopez remarked once ...
How much of your paycheck do you use for the basics? While having a buffer is important, there is another concept which I’d like to introduce which I believe is even more important: assuming that you get paid every two weeks,How many paychecks do you need to consume per month to survi...
Q.I would like to know how much lead or zinc should be added to a mixture to make the Bronze? Cyrus C[last name deleted for privacy by Editor] - Akron, Ohio 2005 Q.I'm 13 and my dad & I are going to make bronze and I don't know what is right 1000° F or 800° F? Plea...
it stands out for that sweet-sour blend that lingers in your mouth. I always have the dried apricots in my bag everywhere I go. The only downside of dried apricots for me is that you can never have too much. Due to its high fiber, it can sometimes act like prunes and will send you...