Measuring flour correctly is an essential step for any baking recipe. Too much flour is the number one reason why baking reasons fail, because of how greatly it alters the recipe. I have a full post on how to measure flour properly, but the basics are that you should whisk the flour in...
4 oz (113 g) of steak has 28 g of protein. As we cover in our “how much protein should I eat per day?” you can target anywhere from 80% to 100% of your bodyweight in pounds per gram of protein, with an upper limit of 250g[15]: If you weigh 150 pounds (68 kg), targe...
I grind the almonds instead of soaking them to make this recipesuperfast. Some people say homemade almond milk is creamier if you soak them, but I haven’t noticed much difference with my method of grinding them first. If you want to soak, just place the whole nuts in a large bowl, ...
Days to harvest: 100, but they can be dug any time they reach a usable size. Storage period: 12-32 weeks Seeds per 100-row feet: ½ ounce (14 grams) Yield per 100-row feet: 50 pounds (22 kg) Shallot seedlings When to plant shallots Plant shallots—like onions—early in the seaso...
Jackfruit has 3 grams of protein per cup. 4. Dried Apricots Dried Apricots contain much more protein than fresh Apricots. The drying process concentrates the nutritional makeup of Apricots into a smaller package. The same is true for Grapes and Prunes. Dried Apricots are packed with antioxidant...
The short answer is YES, but does it work for what?? Well, intermittent fasting can be used to lose fat and/or gain lean muscle depending on the protocol you use. After much experimentation, reading, trial, error, blood, sweat and tears (ok, maybe not so much tears) I have settled ...
“I was five years old and I still remember the smell of that kitchen where my grandmother worked. But the reality is that I became a chef because I love it. I love food. And when I cook, my top priority is to share this enjoyment with others who love food as much as I do” ex...
When the first fruits set, water each plant with compost tea or side-dress each plant with a shovel full of compost. If leaves are pale, give plants a dose of fish emulsion. But be careful not to give squashes too much nitrogen; nitrogen will increase leafy growth but cut fruit yield....
Because leptin is produced in the fat cells, those who are overweight or obese tend to have higher amounts of leptin circulating in the body. However, too much leptin floating around can cause leptin resistance, which makes it harder for it to effectively turn off hunger cues. ...
While it is true that French fries are mouthwatering and very famous worldwide, boiled potatoes are much healthier and taste really good when combined with a few spices and serving methods. But if you’re new to cooking and have had problems boiling potatoes, this article is made to guide ...