I also use it as mulch on my flower and veggie beds. I put several inches of shredded paper down and cover it with a thin layer of bark mulch. After it rains, the paper is squashed to about an inch thick and the layer of bark covers the stark white (and sometimes multi colored) p...
Composted leaf mulch: If you incorporate shredded leaves into a compost pile, the leaves can break down much more quickly, typically within several months, especially if you maintain the compost pile properly. Mixing leaves with other organic matter and turning the compost pile regularly can speed ...
Answer:We use a swimming pool net that is on an extendable aluminum pole. As we scoop it out we let the majority of the water drain out of the net. We then fill a plastic box, it's about 33 liters capacity. We then take this to our boat and row out to the cages. We put in...
If the problem is dog owners, and not necessarily dogs, then you could put up signs that tell owners to pick up their dogs' poop from your yard. You could also install signage that shows how much of a fine an owner could pay if they are caught leaving poop on the ground. Your signs...
You don't need much! Just a small scoop of each food you choose. Yes, the cashier might think you're crazy for getting $.08 of nutritional yeast flakes or $1.07 of goji berries, but that's ok. Don't have access to a bulk food section? Check your pantry for things like: ...
I like catchy memes as much as the next person. They’re easily memorized and passed on. But “Save the planet, plant a tree” has always bugged me for two reasons. First, and probably most importantly, this simplistic mantra absolves people of doing MORE to improve our environment. It’...
Note:Too much nitrogen may cause excessive vegetative growth. If you are using plastic mulch, apply fertilizer through drip irrigation, or apply fertilizer to the side of the row. For bigger fruits, restrict to five or six per plant, pinching off the extra flowers that develop. ...
When the first fruits set, water each plant with compost tea or side-dress each plant with a shovel full of compost. If leaves are pale, give plants a dose of fish emulsion. But be careful not to give squashes too much nitrogen; nitrogen will increase leafy growth but cut fruit yield....
Their hormones kick in overtime, much as women’s do when they’re pregnant, and they focus all of their energy into hatching eggs. The telltale symptom of a broody hen is a sudden display of motherly instinct: sitting on a nest to keep the eggs warm for several hours a day, putting...
Most of the zone can be covered with grass, mulch, gravel or any surface the pup accepts–even concrete or patio blocks work. Steps To Train A Dog To Potty In One Area Once the best location in the yard is selected, place a scoop or two of the doggy’s ‘doo’ inside the area. ...