On this page you will be asked to confirm your upgrade. If you have multiple service accounts, please make absolutely sure that you have selected the correct service account you want to upgrade. If all is in order, click on “Upgrade”. And you’re done! You will now be displayed...
Aion is very asian, much like JRPGS on consoles, it is old fashioned, has nothing new to offer, feels archaic, few people want to play it, but it has a very small, sort of loud group of people who still like it that will tell you it's good. It is also better than FF14, whic...
PLAY FOR FREE Final Fantasy 14 FF14 has earned its spot among the best free PC games the hard way. After a disastrous launch and many months spent in recovery mode, developer Square Enix has managed to right the course of its ambitious Final Fantasy MMO and build one of the best gaming...
In order to help you out of a potentially sticky, fraught situation we’ve come up with three simple responses you can use if anyone ever pops the question to you. They are dependent on how you feel about the person in question and how much you mind being at their beck and call, day...
So, for those of you who have already been playing FFXIV: ARR on their PS3, only one question remains: Damn, that looked fantastic. Now, how in the world do I upgrade my PS3 version? And this is what we’ll help you with, right here, right now – as promised!