How many gods are there in Judaism? What is the language of the Vedas and Upanishads? What is the importance of the Vedas? How are the Vedas and The Bhagavad Gita different? What is the holy book of Hinduism? How many followers does animism have?
Terror is wielded by the mighty and by the weak, but how does a nation fight terrorism without becoming terrorists themselves? How do a people oppose a tyrannical government without drowning in as much blood as the tyrant? Human societies continue to strive for answers to these questions. ...
How much money does she make, you might think? I wanted some entertainment in the place and asked her if she could get a group together to go on Sunday nights for $5 apiece for each show.. You want to see if she is taller or shorter than you, heavier or lighter than you. While ...
Many claims have been made about the resemblances between Christianity and earlier myths and religions. Some of those claims are true and others aren’t.
It is too much of a coincidence that all of a sudden hundreds of priests going back 50 years were found to have molested kids. How do you prove a case that goes back 50 years anyway? The Catholic church ended up paying millions of dollars to “victims.” If priests were found guilty...
At this point we might comment briefly on two other religions that claim to be the true path. Nowhere in the Bible will you find God revealing to Prophet Moses' (p) people or their descendants that their religion is called Judaism, or to the followers of Christ (p) that their religion ...
If a luxurious lifestyle is given as proof of efficacy, you may have cause to question the teacher and the teaching, and your own values. What about tithing? If aspiritual communitysupports the helpless and softens the harsh division between those who have too much and those who have not ...
Some followers of St. Thomas Aquinas have claimed that man’s finality for a beatific vision of God is not embedded within human nature, as de Lubac maintained, but that supernatural grace adds on top of human nature a new finality. However, this is a form of dualism of nature and grace...
I’ve noticed that Joel, Helen, and David Lang don’t post much any more. Could be they have shifted their focus to other areas in the company and left the forum to others, which is understandable. It does make me wonder if the old (and excellent) guard is phasing out? 1 ...
have really executed ‘vast multitudes’ of early Christians merely for an observance of custom. Progressive historians such as Gibbon have added to the notion that the tales of martyrdom surely must have been overstated. How could ‘civilized’ Romans, responsible for much of our law and ...