FFP, fresh frozen plasma; SD-FFP, solvent-detergent fresh frozen plasma. Case 2: anticoagulant-refractory persistent microvascular thrombosis, recurrent VTE, arterial thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, and bleeding This patient was diagnosed aged 18 years with SLE, characterized clinically by arthritis and memb...
Management of clinically relevant bleeding. In this figure, we have considered clinically relevant bleeding as patients requiring transfusion products or other hemodynamic support for hemorrhage.DOACdirect oral anticoagulant,FFPfresh frozen plasma,INRInternational Normalized Ratio,PCCsprothrombin complex concentrate...
The scenario analysis validates the model and evaluates its performance to increase energy efficiency in last mile logistics. Keywords: heuristic optimization; energy efficiency; logistics; last mile services 1. Introduction Energy efficiency has become a primary energy policy goal in the world and the...
If the given factor remains unchanged, the relevant parameter is equal to zero. The values of the parameters are between −1 and 1. The following applies to the sum of absolute values of relevant parameters |i|+|e|= 1 (7) Therefore, the parameters express how much, in % (after ...