The Quran also instructs husbands and men to "keep away from women during menses" which has been interpreted in some cultures as not allowing menstruating girls and women to pray, fast or enter a mosque [source: Quran Today]. Psychological Changes in Pubescent Girls If you had as much ...
One of the most common reasons for a dry vag is a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause, perimenopause, after childbirth, or during breastfeeding, but cancer treatments like chemotherapy and pelvic radiation can also lead to low estrogen and a decrease in vaginal lubrication. Chat with you...
There's pretty much no escaping acne vulgaris -- it afflicts practically everyone at some point, and boys get it worse than girls during puberty. (After puberty, it's a different story: Women have much more trouble with adult acne than men.) If you're a pubescent boy dealing with acne...
During pregnancy, your estrogen levels are high. Estrogen helps to keep your vaginal tissue moist with a clear lubricating fluid. After childbirth, estrogen levels drop. Without enough estrogen, your vagina can become dry. Moreover, your vaginal tissue can shrink and become thinner. Breastfeeding ...
Hormonal Fluctuations:One of the most significant contributors to adult acne in women is hormonal changes. The menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can lead to fluctuations in hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. These fluctuations often increase oil ...
Progesterone plays an important role in the male body as it acts as a precursor to testosterone, helps counteract the effect of estrogen, and helpsprepare spermfor fertilization. But too much progesterone can cause symptoms such as decreased libido, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia (...
» Explore why menopause happens and what you can do about it Postmenopausal women During the postmenopausal years, a woman’s body stops converting a weaker form of estrogen—estrone—to estradiol. The process contributes to a decline and subsequent low levels of the hormone when compared to ...
The opposite is true for girls, whose estrogen levels begin to rise substantially during the early teenage years. This is especially interesting, considering the relationship between the protein prolactin and breast milk production, which only happens in women. Perhaps this is why women cry roughly ...
Lupus is a disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues, leading to a range of complicated health issues. Interestingly, lupus is much more common in women (XX) than in men (XY), with women being up to 14 times more likely to develop the condition. Additiona...
Lust, driven by the desire for sexual gratification, is primarily motivated by the production of sex hormones testosterone and estrogen thanks to the brain's hypothalamus. Attraction, although closely related, is something different; it hinges on the brain's reward system and is the reason why ne...