Special dishes in Genshin Impact can only be made by certain characters. Below, you will find a list of the characters, the dish they can make, and the effect it will have on whoever eats it, or the whole party if applicable. Recommended Videos Below, you can find a list of all the...
Raiden batteries her team, buffs their Burst damage- though the DMG% means little to Kazuha and Bennett’s damage is negligible without any reactions or any other buffs, so this means the most to Sara, provides a source of Electro aura for Kazuha, and deals enough damage to build a team...
Where you're trying to build the best party in Genshin Impact, it's tempting to throw whichever character you like the look of together without much thought. However, you're potentially missing out on big bonuses to your stats fromElemental Resonance. This is where you stack your party with...
Venti doesn't benefit from five-star weapons as much as most characters, but if you are looking to power him up, Elegy for the End is the best choice. It possesses high Base ATK than is the standard on five-star weapons, along with an Energy Recharge secondary stat to help Venti recha...