As the Covid-19 pandemic unfolded, Omnicom was able to help the UK government to“navigate the road to a new normal.”They said they had deepened their“rapid response capabilities”which enabled their client, the UK government, to make“more informed decisions while prov...
Harrison, Mark, "How Much Did the Soviets Really Spend on Defence? New Evi- dence from the Close of the Brezhnev Era", PERSA Working Paper no. 24, Department of Economics, University of Warwick, Jan. 3, 2003.Harrison, M. (2003) How much did the Soviets really spend on defense?
Get some work experience There’s nothing like actually experiencing something to help you determine what you might want to do. ___18___But you may be able to spend a day in the office or workplace shadowing people w...
I don't believe we're going to see a decrease in spend, at least not right away. But they're really looking to understand much more clearly the business story, that business rationale, inputs that lead to a question around the benefit, or the outputs from this focus. And from ...
UK has no 'credible' plan to fund military equipment And - if you're taking these rules very literally, which everyone in Westminster seems to be doing - then the takeaway is that the chancellor really doesn't have much room left to spend in the coming budget. She...
Planning and implementing preventive measures are usually a company's primary defence in crisis management. Addressing the causes of challenging scenarios and other factors that may aggravate the situation helps resolve the issue if it occurs. Similarly, implementing preventive actions helps you prepare ...
In the case of work-from-home employees and telecommuters,team building activitiescan be held in the office space as employees won’t have much problem coming in. 4. Engagement Levels Remote workers are more susceptible to feel lonely or out of place as they have no need to actually ever ...
“This time, we were very curious to see how we could use 2D only as a rough guideline to watercolour paintings,” and as a result adopted the approach of tracing over the 3D outline “giving much more room for the hand and spirit of each illustrator to shine through.” Given th...
The UK Financial Conduct Authority is planning to name firms under investigation more frequently and at a much earlier stage in an effort to increase the deterrence effect such probes can have on the market. The new approach, outlined in a consultation paper set to be published on Tuesday, wou...
Cyber crime is of increasing concern to nation-states — whether the culprits are othergovernmentsorfinancially motivatedhackers. In the US, the 2025 government budget for IT security is $13bn, up from $11.8bn the year before. The UK, too, is wary and this extends to the risk of infiltra...