It would be, if not for how much damage it can cause at times. We are all so uncomfortable with awkward silence that we just about will say anything to break it. What happens is – our urge to break the awkward pause will lead us to ‘speaking before thinking’ and also hints at a...
Inner-city children's exposure to community violence: How much do parents know? Journal of Marriage and Family, 63, 927-940.Ceballo, R., Dahl, T., Aretakis, M., & Ramirez, C. (2001). Inner-city children's exposure to community violence: How much do parents know?. Journal of ...
Inner-city children’s exposure to community violence: How much do parents know - Ceballo, Dahl, et al. - 2001Ceballo, R., Dahl, T., Aretakis, M., & Ramirez, C. (2001). Inner-city children's exposure to community violence: How much do parents know? Journal of Marriage and the ...