For some bills, say electricity I know roughly how much it should be. So I divide this by three as I get my electricity bill quarterly, and make a direct payment to the electricity company in advance, when my final bill is received, I pay the difference or note the credit. This works...
I have not incorporated much exercise into the lifestyle, but I will soon. I do drink some diet soda and sugar free red bull, to keep the engines running, but I do also drink a good amount of water as well. I take a good multivitamin in the morning, along with Seanol. Coffee and...
5. What does BritiSh dense PoPUIation imply? HoW much PCrCenlage Of the POPUIation IiVe in CitieS OrtoWns? Key: A dense PoPUIation SUCh as Britains implies a high degree Of UrbaniZation. AbOUt 80% Of the PoPUlation IiVeS in CitieS OrtoWns. 6 What has become an increasingly important ...
In the last years, there has been a growing demand for the production of plant secondary metabolites on an industrial scale by microbial fermentation (Park et al., 2018). Since several natural products of plant origin are not synthesized by microorganisms, synthetic biology has attracted much cons...
Q1. What role does GTL play in enhancing employees’ individual green performance? Q2. What role do green creativity and creative process engagement play in the impact of GTL practices on individual employees’ green performance? Q3. Does individual environmental awareness as a personal characteristic...
Second, the detection risk channel that supports customer geographic proximity can lessen the scrutiny cost of regulators, increasing the risk of detection associated with supplier tax avoidance activities, thus reducing managers’ impetus to engage in tax avoidance. Using the different functions between ...