How much does 1 kg of plutonium cost? Since the energy per fission from plutonium-239 and uranium-235 is about the same, the theoretical fuel value of fissile plutonium can be put at $5,600 per kilogram. Reactor-grade plutonium also contains non-fissile isotopes, reducing its value to abou...
The present study investigates some of the technical, economic, and political issues that would surround a Japanese decision to convert to plutonium fuel in its nuclear power industry. It should interest senior policymakers involved in controlling nuclear proliferation. The other reports in the series ...
There are a few types of scrap metals that can’t be recycled. These include radioactive metals such as plutonium and uranium, toxic metals such as mercury, metal containers with residual materials inside like paint or motor oil cans, and any metals that are public property. Scrap metal recyc...
Economic growth and added complexity sound like they would be good, but at some point, the combination gets to be too much–simplification is needed. Too much of the world’s income starts going to non-working individuals and to high-earning workers in privileged fields. Ordinary working citize...
Much of the cost is wrapped up in the equipment carried by a satellite -- transponders, computers and cameras. A typical weather satellite carries a price tag of $290 million; a spy satellite might cost an additional $100 million [source: GlobalCom]. Then there's the expense of ...
Eventually, after several intense weeks of painstaking work, they found that, much like my old washing machine, a single integrated circuit chip had blown. With trial and error, they devised a way of isolating it and rerouting the data to other parts of memory on board. The Voyager machines...
plutonium is a much rarer resource in survival. since it’s used to power your ship’s launch thrusters, you’ll want to gather and maintain enough for at least launches so you never get trapped on a planet while exploring. keeping a larger stash of plutonium will simply ease the explorati...
All the safety books tell us that alpha radiation is 20 times more damaging than gamma and x radiation. Radiation detectors that don’t have an alpha capability are much less expensive. Is it worth taking a risk to save money? Honestly in many cases an instrument without alpha/beta sensitivi...
Hell, the name just sounds super sultry, especially when paired with Sasha’s accent. It was too much for Jonathan Moore (Anthony Edwards) to resist. We’d follow Sasha to the Café Friedrichstrasse for strudel anytime too. 2. John Bigboote,The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai ...
Many product development tasks are cost and time prohibitive using prototypes and tests Better Product Design More sales, repeat customers and better product reviews How much Power can a Thermoelectric Generator Produce? Thermoelectric generators are fully scalable from microwatts to kilowatts and beyond...