We analysed a total of 6072 words, with no cost because this amount of data is sufficiently small for Microsoft to not charge any cost. The time taken to analyse that amount of data was approximately 10 min, which is much less time-consuming than coding the data by hand. Once the data...
Recent evidence has suggested that valuing happiness to an extreme degree has a potential downside in Western but not in East Asian countries. We tested ho
Teacher self-efficacy and pupil achievement: Much ado about nothing? International evidence from TIMSS Teachers and Teaching (2023), 10.1080/13540602.2022.2159365 Google Scholar Kennedy, 2016 M.M. Kennedy How does professional development improve teaching? Review of Educational Research, 86 (4) (2016...
Using a texture is also a good way to give your website a retro/vintage look and feel. Not only does it change the color, but it also gives you a nice, uneven and worn look. There are a few ways to change your colors with a texture, and here’s one way to do it. First, we...
The missing data component assessed the sample size used in the study, how much missing data had been discarded, if assumptions about the treatment of missing data in the analysis were stated and how any missing data were handled in the analysis: complete-case analysis, single imputation ...
What if some actions should be irreversible or you are interested in a very small space of updates which can be expressed in tightly bounded space that is much smaller than the entire new state itself? An example where you might want an update to be irreversible is if you are keeping state...
“much worse” and “much better”). Similar to the results of the profitability model, the results show that marketing’s dispersion enhances NV sales growth (0.23,p < 0.01), whereas marketing’s structuration reduces it (–0.16,p < 0.05). Moreover, as marketing influence in the...
Whereas much empirical research confirms the usefulness of TPB in predicting EI, scholars have also pointed out several caveats associated with it. A severe criticism of the TPB is provided by Sniehotta, Presseau and Araújo-Soares [35]. They argue that TPB has a static explanatory nature, foc...
(e.g., depression). There are a few differences which might explain the divergent results. First, the participants were much younger in the present study (Mage=15.1 vs.Mage= 20.8). Young adults might be more capable of coping with stress resulting from aggravated sexting. Second, different ...
(how much) and breadth (how many topics) of SSD via typed technology and in-person (H1, H2), and (2) examined the extent to which the frequency and breadth of SSD in each context predicted perceived sexual rewards, comparison of sexual rewards, and in turn sexual satisfaction while ...