The ingredients and experience are appealing to Millennials; plus, Chipotle figured out how to get its message out in a unique way. This casual food chain developed a fictional web series, “Farmed and Dangerous,” which featured a Millennial-aged sustainable farmer as the main character. In th...
Millennialsborn between 1981 and 1996 is the fastest-growing segment of the workforce and the largest at 35%. According to Harvard Pilgrim, by 2025 millennials will take over a much larger market share and comprise 74% of the workforce. And according to Amwins, “Like Gen Xers, a primary c...
Yes. Yeah, thanks, I agree. And that's probably, I think the biggest challenge we have, is you can take social media influencers or voices like myself or Derrick Josi, or Millennial Farmer, or Peterson Farm Brothers. Maybe we need some younger, fresher faces to come in ...
In economics, the law of diminishing returns suggests that adding too much of a useful thing to a given process will at some point reduce the desired output. If a farmer uses the right amount of fertilizer, for example, the crop yield is high, but if he keeps adding fertilizer he’ll r...
As I mentioned, I was at a point in my young adulthood where I was trying to figure out who I was, other than the typical elder-millennial/late gen-x mess! I wanted to know why we didn’t know my mother’s family well, why we weren’t raised with her extended family in the sam...
pretty open. Like I said, if you go into a gym or someplace and you’re trying to really hard sell somebody, I think people really … They pick up on that quickly. If you’re actually trying to help someone, and you approach them as such, I believe it’s much more well received....
Big picture, Robert, does this make any sense at all…financially? Is it really possible to pull this magic trick off? The rest of it surely makes zero sense if you knew my Wife and I..haha. We love Atlanta too much. Sorry to make this so incredibly lengthy, but you can likely ...
Every blog earns money in a different way. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. That’s why it’s important to make a plan and experiment. Here are some of the most popular ways to make money blogging. (But remember the sky is the limit!) ...
James Fallon:[01:07:26] Well, if you look at their own, there are a fair number of people. And usually when you're young, you say, “Look, can we get rid of war?” I mean, so if you asked every millennial, “What if we could breed out all the warrior genes and we'd all...
So much of how a con feels comes down to service staff. The folks at the Marriott Riverwalk were smooth as silk, taking the time to find me vegetarian food all over town, and it’s those little things that can make a difference to your total weekend’s experience. But that’s a ...