The ease of digestion is the most crucial factor to take into account with this meal. You want to eat just enough to fuel your workouts, but not so much that it fills up your stomach as you crush people on the mats or lift weights. So as a wrestler, Jimmy Uso might have followed a...
Last month, WWE Hall of Famer Rikishi mentioned that his son Jey Uso could leave WWE for AEW if they don’t “get it together.” In a recent podcast, Rikishi clarified his comments regarding Jey’s booking. “I don’t even want to say anything no more because every time I say somethi...
Even though drones may be expensive, how much is this woman’s life worth, my life, or my son’s life? (Dominican Republic) Some benefits were specific to the local context. A health worker participating in a KII and a community participant in an FGD in Mozambique thought that battery-...